Sade Sati - Its Effects & Remedies


What is Sade Sati?

Sade Sati is the period before Samvid when people have to go through a set of rituals that mark their last days in the material world. It is believed that those who face these rituals are more likely to get liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth. Sade Sati holds significance for both the dying person and their family members. It is the last phase of an individual’s life where one prepares for their last rituals and final departure from this material world. Sade Sati also marks the beginning of a new chapter in one’s life. It is believed that there are seven virtuous cycles of life in which the first three cycles are related to the child, the next three cycles to the youth and the last three to the old age. This virtuous cycle ends with Sade Sati and is followed by Samvid (retirement).

What Its effects on the Body and Mind?

The person who is going through Sade Sati is likely to experience various mental and physical symptoms. Sade Sati can cause emotions such as sorrow, anxiety, and fear. These feelings can be triggered due to the uncertainty of the future. The person is likely to have racing thoughts that are related to either their past or future. Physical symptoms of Sade Sati include excessive thirst, shortness of breath, constipation, loss of appetite, and loss of strength. These symptoms can be due to the mental stress. It is important to understand that you cannot get rid of these symptoms completely because they are there to help you prepare for the final ritual.

Why do people face problems during Sade Sati?

Sade Sati is a ritual involving a set of practices. However, it can trigger different reactions in different people due to different reasons. These reasons include the health of an individual, their mental state, and their living environment. Sade Sati may prove to be difficult for certain people because of the following reasons: - The person may be suffering from an incurable disease. - They may have weak mental health. - They might be living in an unhealthy environment.

Possible reasons for the above effects:

The following can be the reasons behind the effects of Sade Sati on the body and mind: - 

  • Decrease in Vitamin B12 levels: Vitamin B12 is required for the proper functioning of the mental health. During Sade Sati, a person is more prone to anxiety and fearfulness. Due to this, there is a tendency for the levels of vitamin B12 to decrease in the body. 
  •  Lack of Vitamin D: Vitamin D has a significant role to play in the mood. It works towards improving the mood by increasing serotonin levels in the body. 
  • A decrease in Magnesium levels: Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. A decrease in magnesium levels can lead to anxiety and stress, which increases in people during Sade Sati.

Remedial measures during Sade Sati

  • Eat Healthy: While going through the Sade Sati, it is important to eat healthy. Include foods that are rich in vitamin B and D. 
  • Meditate: Meditation has proven to be beneficial in the treatment of anxiety and other mental disorders. It helps in restoring the mental and physical balance of an individual. 
  • Stay hydrated: It is important to stay hydrated during Sade Sati. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 
  • Consult an Astrologer: If You want to know more about future, then you should consult Kaartik Gor astrologer about sade sati.
  • Sleep early: During Sade Sati, it is important to take proper sleep. Make sure to take 8 hours of sleep every day. 
  • Stay active: Stay active and do light exercises. Exercises help in maintaining the physical and mental health of an individual. 
  • Connect with loved ones: Connect with your loved ones and share your feelings. Expressing your emotions will help in reducing the stress levels. 
  • Practice forgiveness: Sade Sati is the best time to forgive others. Forgiveness is beneficial in reducing the stress and anxiety during Sade Sati.


Sade Sati is the period before Samvid when people have to go through a set of rituals that mark their last days in the material world. It is the last phase of an individual’s life where one prepares for their last rituals and final departure from this material world. The effects of Sade Sati on the body and mind are uncertain, anxiety, depression, and fearfulness. The reasons behind these effects are decrease in Vitamin B12 levels, lack of Vitamin D, a decrease in Magnesium levels, and unhealthy environment. The remedial measures during Sade Sati are eating healthy, meditating, staying hydrated, sleeping early, staying active, connecting with loved ones, and practicing forgiveness.


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